Committees/Administrative work

Since 2021: Member of Committee of Nominations of UMALCA (Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe).


Since 2021: Coordinator of the Mentoring Program of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.


Since 2020: Representative of the Department of Mathematics at the Exact Institute, Universidade de Brasília.


Since 2020: Coordinator of the Working Group “Scientific Leadership” of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.


Since 2020: Member of the Technical Committee of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).


Since 2019: Advisory Committee of INCTMat (National Institute of Science and Technology in Mathematics).

2021: Member of the team of evaluation of the Postgraduate Programs in Mathematics in Brazil, Capes.


2020: Member of Gender Committee of the Brazilian Mathematical Society and the Brazilian Applied Mathematical and Computational Society.


2020: Representatives of the Young Affiliate Members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.


2018: Member of the Brazilian Delegation at the General Assembly of International Mathematical Union, São Paulo, Brazil.


2017-2021: Regional Secretary of the Brazilian Mathematical Society.